Only in this way can finance obtain continuous technological support in the process of change. Finance is finance with a sense of technology, and Tunisia Phone Number List technology is technology with financial characteristics. Under the premise that Internet finance is undergoing profound changes, the context of the advent of the financial Tunisia Phone Number List technology era is becoming clearer. Discussions about fintech and tech finance are also ongoing. The problems brought about by the explosive development of the Internet finance era also make us full of uncertainty in the era of financial technology. How to improve the efficiency and ensure the safety of finance has become a topic that many people are thinking about. After experiencing the rapid development of Internet finance, we have a deeper understanding of finance.
Especially if you are doing 2C to provide services, consumers choose who is a bigger threat . We didn't realize it at the time, and we continued Tunisia Phone Number List to burn money and fight wars there, and we faced more severe challenges one after another. What is the challenge? Fund reserves are getting smaller and smaller, and the hope of financing is Tunisia Phone Number List getting slimmer. After the failure of external financing, we will try internal financing, hoping that existing investors will invest in us. edge of death At that time, the investors put forward a request to us, can the company break even as soon as possible? When I heard this request, I was shocked. It was not what the board of directors said half a year ago. Who can grow the fastest.
Although Internet finance has achieved some positive developments through the integration of new elements, these new development Tunisia Phone Number List momentum cannot be de-financialized blindly. Finance should return to finance itself to achieve its original roots and forge ahead. Therefore, all Internet financial innovations should be based on finance itself. Through this basic focus, the development of Internet finance can Tunisia Phone Number List have a clearer purpose and a clearer view. All innovations should return to finance itself. One of the most important reasons for the emergence of so many problems in Internet finance is that it places too much emphasis on the role of the Internet.