The only bias was really in this article itself, which didn't do any research to see if Google was possibly showing a far-left bias as well. console/mobile-friendly - the most attractive front end To show how it works, I'll share the details below for a small local B2C company called Vinyl to Digital, who agreed to use them for me as a case study. Here is the result of Google's tool: page speed report for mobile site We can see some obvious recommendations for technical improvements here: Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript and CSS in content above the fold. Enable compression.
Optimize images. Reduce the CSS. Take advantage of browser caching. This is a WordPress site and as such most of them are fairly simple tasks. There are plugins that will tackle the majority of these issues without costly development time. We can also see an fax number list overview of page load times in Google Analytics in the Behavior > Site Speed report . site speed in google analytics Here we can see that the average page load is almost four seconds, which is above the ideal load time of two to three seconds.
We can also see that almost half of this sum is attributed to the average server response time. Making the basic improvements to the PageSpeed Insights tool and finding a faster hosting partner could probably reduce the load time to around two seconds. The main benefit here is that you can get accurate load time metrics and clear insights into what you can do to improve things. You'll have to customize this to your own CMS or approach, but you can often get 80% of the results with just 20% of the effort. We also